
Now Hiring Executive Director Position
Position Summary: Kinship of the Park Rapids Area is seeking a passionate and experienced Executive Director (ED) to lead our mission of fostering...
2024 Newsletter
Newsletter 2024
Thank you to our Sponsors, Donors, and Supporters!
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Newsletter 2023
A Kinship Newsletter Click here to view
Speaking to our kids about how to work (school) from home. How to make this a successful and productive time for our kids.
Links of interest:
Children’s Crisis Hotline Children’s Crisis Intervention and Prevention Services
Kinship, Inc. is a private, nonprofit organization which believes in and promotes the concept of youth mentoring.
The Mentoring Partnership of Minnesota – MPM formed in 1994 as a community initiative to promote mentoring for Minnesota youth.
A Years Worth of Mentoring Activities – Check out this list of activities that you can do with your mentee throughout the year from Mentoring Partnership of Minnesota.
MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership – MENTOR gives a global look on mentoring resources. On this site you can find the latest research on mentoring theory, practice and programs, national statistics on youth mentoring, media outreach, and public policy legislation and efforts.
Tools for Mentoring Adolescents were developed by MPM in collaboration with the Search Institute to support and strengthen relationships between mentors and mentees.
Reporting of Maltreatment/Mandated Reporter Training modules offer guidelines for mandated reporting in Minnesota.
The Kinship Endowment Fund is administered as part of the Northwest Minnesota Foundation, a regional community foundation.
Kinship of the Park Rapids Area serves children and youth living in southern Hubbard County, including Park Rapids, Nevis, and Osage.