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Volunteer Confidentiality Statement

Each Responsible Volunteer shall exercise care not to disclose confidential information acquired in connection with Kinship’s programming, which might be adverse to the interests of KINSHIP PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS and/or the affairs of Kinship of the Park Rapids Area. Furthermore, a Responsible Volunteer shall not disclose or use information relating to the business of KINSHIP PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS and/or the affairs of Kinship of the Park Rapids Area for the personal profit or advantage of the Responsible Volunteer or a Family Member. I will carefully refrain from discussing any program participant’s personal affairs with anyone outside the Kinship staff or board members. In addition, all information seen or heard regarding program participants is completely confidential and not to be discussed with family members, friends or other Kinship volunteers outside the context of mentor training or mentor support gatherings. Further, I will not use my position with the agency, or my knowledge of the organization or its plans, for personal profit for myself, family,friends, or any outside interests with which I may be affiliated or have an investment. In signing this agreement, I acknowledge that I have read the Volunteer Confidentiality Statement and agree to its content. I understand that if I breach this agreement, the incident will be investigated by Kinship staff and proper action will be taken up to and including my removal from serving in the program. I agree to follow the standards set forth above for the duration of my involvement with the Kinship of the Park Rapids Area

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